We finally received our new baking tools. Thank you Lisa for sending the Pampered chef stone. It is wonderful. Donya slipped in a pizza peel on my last order to Amazon. $25 extra added to the order, but no shipping costs.

We already had the artisan bread cook book. Wow, look at what we can do !!

Having the right tools really does make a difference. We had tried cooking the bread on a cookie sheet. Not satisfactory. I am hoping to get used to the new stone, so I can remove the 'note to me' I have taped to the stove hood, to be sure to put the stone in the cold oven when I am starting to preheat it. And to remember to put the shallow pan below it for the cup of water that is added after you get the bread on your stone. AND I SHALL NEVER FORGET !! Don't open the oven until the time is up, because you will get a scald burn. My hand is almost healed ;-). Still a little pink on thumb and pointer area.
Our bed and breakfast guests LOVE the artisan bread. One recipe makes many versions.
Now I must get back to my paper arts and scrap booking. We will soon be hosting the annual fall scrap booking retreat. Menus to make, bread to bake, and lots of tools and supplies to move to the barn. This year we have a waiting list, in case someone has to cancel. Yea!!!