Thursday, October 13, 2011

Indian Summer

It is that time of year again... Indian summer arrived after an September frost. A bit early for the first frost this year.  The combines are sooo big, it takes no time at all to harvest the fields. I am enjoying the return of my countryside view from the kitchen windows. 

Corn was the crop grown next to our yard this year. It was fun feeling all cozy tucked behind the corn for the summer. It is true that on a hot summer night you can hear the corn growing. It squeaks and pops as it works it's way skyward. Very entertaining experience for our city guests. Sitting on the patio, talking on their cell phones to those back home "What are you doing?" the person on the other end of the phone must be asking, "Sitting on the patio listening to the corn grow" they answer.

I had forgotten how closed in I was feeling, until I looked out this morning and could almost see New Hampton, 7 miles east of my kitchen.

Just when I thought I could no longer breath, a nice rain came along and washed all the harvesting dust out of the air. 

Life is good.