Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Long Cold Winter

Barn Cats 

Our outdoor cats have made their home in the horse barn this winter. Unfortunately wild animals have discovered their food dish in that barn. If only... DH would finish putting on the doors ... and building the tack room ... and ... well, you get the idea.His little hiatus to get his new hip installed this winter has put everything off schedule. He should be released to quit using the walker in March. THEN he will have at least one hand free to work on some of those jobs that never got completed.  However it will probably result in me spending time looking for where he left his cane.

Looks like Half and Half and Buttermilk are enjoying one of our rare sunshine days. We have had more then 35 days of below 0 temperatures. It might get up to 10 above 0 today.  Looking for my swim suit!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. And I was complaining about our cold. Tell Uncle Don hello for me. Hope we get a chance to go back east and stop by to see you two!
