Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sunset before the storm

 The gorgeous sunset was shining brightly on Big Red mixing a wash of golden glaze with the red paint.

A day later we had a blizzard that lasted 2 days with howling winds and sideways (?) snow falling.
We were able to remove the snow off the driveways during the 1 day of cold clear sunshine. Then another all day snow, this time without the wind.

We have a stack of seed catalogs and the schedule of the Mennonite plant auction to dream through, while we firm up the designs for the new garden pond we have planned for this summer. Just need to get Dear Hubby excited about helping build it. If he and his side kick, son Fred, balk at the project, I will just have to brush up on my driving farm equipment and bring the tractor and backhoe over to the desired location. Bet they will come running before I make a much bigger hole then they want me to have.

Just a little reminder of what we had on the patio last summer gives me a little boost during this gray month of February.

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