Surprise !! Fall has arrived. Never mind it comes every year at this time, it's still a surprise when it arrives. We had to replace all our mums, due to an icy winter. Sure missed having them the year we skipped setting out the new plants. Now, to the business of setting these new plants.

The birds must have 'planted' a wild grape seed. I might be making a mistake by leaving it to climb on the trellis. It looks nice there, right now. Don't know how big of a job it will be to remove it when it gets too wild.

Have you ever seen a sorrier looking tomato plant? This has not been a very good tomato year. It has been way too cold all summer. I have plenty for canning because we had set out so many plants. I am so mad at the jerk that messed with our global warming. Give it back !! We need that warmth for our plants.

We were happy to have Harold visit for a few days. Don took him to an auction (Don and Fred's most favorite hobby). Then the 2 brothers traveled to Wisconsin to visit their sister, Darlene. I remembered they would be going through Gays Mills (the famous apple orchards in Wisconsin) so called Don on Big Red's phone (his pickup) to ask for a couple dozen cider doughnuts that are made at Sunrise orchard in Gay's Mills. Yum! He also got a half bushel of his favorite apple, honey crisp, and a couple gallons of fresh cider.

Here are some Etter boys looking for trouble. Brothers Don and Harold, with Fred and Alfie. Too early for snomobiles and only one Harley motorcycle, not enough to share. Guess they could have gone canoeing if they would have had time.
Harold left for Colorado this morning, anxious to return home. Time always seems to move by so quickly when vacationing. It felt like Harold had just arrived and then he was heading out with his suitcase, already.
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