Donya purchased some baby silky chickens at an animal swap a year ago, and had hoped to get at least one rooster. As luck would have it, she did get just one rooster and the rest were hens. Last night when she was closing the little chicken coop, the little white hen refused to go in to roost. Donya got her Grandpa to help her lift the tiny pen so she could put the hen in the door. After the hen went in unwillingly and clucking all the while, Donya heard 'cheep cheep cheep'. There were 2 tiny little silky chicks left in the pen. They had to lift the pen again and move the babies in with the mother. Donya was so excited.. she came in exclaiming 'I'm a Grandma'. So that makes me a great great grandma, right? To some chickens.

If you are wondering what a 'silky' is, it is a small chicken (banty size) that has feathers that look more like fur then feathers. It grows on their feet and legs and they look like a tiny llama.

Mama with her babies. Tonight Don and I had to close the chicken hut, and the mama was sitting in the yard up close to the door of the hutch, all fluffed out with her babies under her. They are so tiny they can not get up into the hutch. It is about 3 inches off the ground. She pecked me when I grabbed her (didn't hurt) and pushed her in the open door. Then I had to feel around in the grass for her babies. My, they were tiny.

That is mown grass those little darlings are hiding in.

The rooster is in the back, by the hut. Actually this is our 'chicken tractor', we built it to fit between the rows of the garden, with wheels on one end so we can move it along each day. The chickens then can scratch and eat the weed seeds and bugs in the garden. The chicken house is under construction and will soon be ready for a photo. We will move them to the chicken coop for the winter.
Silkies make excellent mothers and even the rooster will help set on the eggs. Lots of fun for a cheap hobby. IF you can get someone to build the little pens and huts they need.

Donya brought home a new basket and Gabby took it over. Makes a real cute photo, AND it keeps her off the chairs and sofa.. and that is not a bad thing.
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