Almost spring
Although it is only 4 days to the first day of spring, our yard looks like the middle of winter. If only it were at least above freezing, those 30-40 mph winds would do some good in getting rid of all that dirty snow. Just too depressing to include any photos of the flowers that have not emerged today.
The frame of the green house withstood all the winter storms, and the door that was installed is intact.. but... still waiting for DH to put the panels on the roof and side walls. This is the 3rd year since the project was begun. After all these years living with this kind man, I would think I would get used to his procrastination. Maybe, just Maybe.. we can move the potting bench into the green house this spring. It is stored in the garage and I heard talk about needing the garage for the '65 ElCamino. Yup, they will have completed the restoration of that pickup this spring... and it CAN NOT sit out in the weather when it is completed (so they say).
Our goose and gander have done an excellent job of protecting the chickens. Racoons have moved into our farmstead by the dozen. When we are late shutting the chicken coop door, those 2 geese are sitting on the step filling the door opening. Nothing can get past them.
We've had to trap the racoons to get remove them from the outbuildings. Now we have bald eagles visiting every day to see if we have provided dinner. Wish our guys would serve the dinner a bit further from the chicken pen. At least 150 yards out from the chickens, please. I'm afraid the bald eagles will think chicken would be pretty tasty.
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