I almost missed Easter. I was working on a job in the sewing part of the shop, that needed to be shipped as soon as possible. I finally finished the project, got it packaged, and headed for Clear Lake(that is the closest Fedex terminal) Saturday morning. They closed at noon, so had little time to spare. The shipping bill came to $35 for the 2 parcels, and let me tell you, they were heavy as well as large boxes. They are on their way to Parker Colorado. I've not met the client, we use the phone and e-mail.
Donya had Saturday off, so went with me. We decided to make a day of 'shopping' and visited the thrift stores in Mason City. I found a nice straw hat and Donya found books. We picked up texture at the lumber yeard, for Don to finish the room project (will he ever get it done?!!) and then shopped at our favorite grocery store, Aldi. We like that store for their real German Chocolate candy. The kind that melts in your hand.. and oh so smooth. yum!!
Aldi had only 1 'Chocolate fire egg' left. We snatched it along with some packages of truffle eggs and headed for home. The fire egg was wrapped ever so pretty, it was a shame to open it. After taking off the outer wrap, there was the shape of an egg wrapped in foil and sealed with a pretty sticker on each side. When you broke one seal the other seal acted as a hinge. It was filled with German chocolates. Some with nuts but all were truffles.. my favorite. I'm sorry we forgot to take a photo before we all dived in on those chocolates. And just look at the thickness of the chocolate egg!! REAL chocolate, no wax in it.

We had chili for Easter dinner, and our wonderful egg. Donya and I spent the rest of Easter at the scrap book shop getting our cards finished for card club (due tomorrow), Michelle decided to work with a scrapbook client for the afternoon, and Fred and Don spent the whole day moving things around with their tractors. (You know how everything gets put on a dining table instead of being put away? The guys do that to our yard.. and that is a lot of stuff when your yard is 5 acres.) The snow is gone, so their clutter really shows.
We were blessed with a lovely sunny Easter day, with a breeze that turned into WIND and a temperature of 58 degrees.
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